Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Giving Tree

"The Giving Tree" is a commissioned mixed media art collage that I completed over the summer.  My customer requested a custom collage for her sister's birthday.  She had recently retired after working as a librarian for many, many years and this was a special time that she wanted to recognize.  She told me a little about her sister, her love of reading, her children, her grandchildren.  She also said her sister loved bright, vibrant yellows and ocean blues.  Of course I accepted this commission - how exciting! And inwardly I needed to squelch that initial voice of worry in my head...

If you follow a favorite artist, you'll at least once have heard them say that some of their best creativity came from following the emotional process and trusting their instincts.  I am here to tell you that this is true, but not necessarily easy.  There comes a point when you need to shed the past and stop asking for permission.  It's okay to make mistakes, begin again, and ask yourself to go deeper.  There comes a point when you need stop listening to the voice of worry...or...hear those voices in a different way. Open up your arms and allow yourself to be vulnerable!  

I started this commission by doing what I knew how to do....I started from a place of comfort.  I imagined a bright, textured sun and a vibrant blue sky with light, slim clouds gently moving across the landscape.  That is perfectly respectable!  So I went about doing just that.  I selected the canvas size, set the first couple layers of paper in yellows and blues, and selected the flower stencil I'd use for the sun.  Once the modeling paste was set, I looked at the canvas and saw potential for a tree.  "But that's not what I'm working on here", I responded to the tree, "I'm working on a big beautiful sun and a brilliant sky with light clouds..." 

I brought to canvas to my customer for an initial review of color and design.  And I couldn't stop seeing a tree...a tree...that's a tree...look at that tree...a big, beautiful, full bloom tree...  But my customer and I discussed the sun, the sky and the horizon.  At the end of our meeting I surprised myself by asking for the names of her sister's children and include...maybe for the clouds?...."I'm a tree...a tree...I'm a tree and the names belong mixed into my beautiful leaves," said the voice of inspiration.  "But I've spent so much time on the sun and the clouds already!" I responded to the tree. "I'm a tree....I'm a tree!!...I'm a Giving Tree of life and love and family and faith..."  The tree won.

After several weeks of work on the initial canvas, I started the commission over again from scratch. Which at the time frightened me due to how much time I'd already spent and given that her sister's birthday was long past. But the tree was screaming at me at this point and I had no choice but to begin again.  I shared this new inspiration and design with my customer and she was very supportive (thankfully!!).  And so I continued on with the tree.  I thought I was just about finished when I received an email.  My customer thought a little more about the tree...and shared that her sister spent a lot of time reading.  She said it would be lovely if I could incorporate a reader into the canvas, but that it wasn't necessary.  

Oh boy.  Oh my goodness. I still needed to include the family names, the granddaughter's cute phrases to their grandmother and the inspirational message. Oh boy. A reader. Where would I fit a reader? I need a larger canvas! Oh boy..... Now that she said it, I couldn't turn away.  I had to figure this out. The idea was out there...released into the universe.  And the tree seemed to agree....

And so I introduce "The Giving Tree" a commissioned mixed media art collage by Danene Elise Designs.  Now when I look at this picture, I can't imagine The Giving Tree without her reader.  As it turns out, this custom collage pushed me into a new place emotionally and artistically.  I am incredibly grateful for this experience.  And my customer loved the end result.  Thank you for visiting and I invite you to reach out xoxoxo!! 

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